Chapter 3 Problems

1. Define syntax and semantics.
- The syntax of a programming language is the form of its expressions, statements, and program units. Its semantics is the meaning of those expressions, statements, and program units.

3. Describe the operation of a general language generator
- A language generator is a device that can be used to generate the sentences of a language. We can think of the generator as having a button that produces a sentence of the language every time it is pushed. Because the particular sentence that is produced by a generator when its button is pushed is unpredictable, a generator seems to be a device of limited usefulness as a language descriptor.

4. Describe the operation of a general language recognizer.
- The syntax analysis part of a compiler is a recognizer for the language the compiler translates. In this role, the recognizer need not test all possible strings of characters from some set to determine whether each is in the language.

6. Define a left-recursive grammar rule.
- In terms of context-free grammar, a non-terminal r is left-recursive if the left-most symbol in any of r’s ‘alternatives’ either immediately (direct left-recursive) or through some other non-terminal definitions (indirect/hidden left-recursive) rewrites to r again.

7. What three extensions are common to most EBNFs?
- The first of these denotes an optional part of an RHS, which is delimited by Brackets.. The second extension is the use of braces in an RHS to indicate that the enclosed part can be repeated indefinitely or left out altogether. The third common extension deals with multiple-choice options. When a single element must be chosen from a group, the options are placed in parentheses and separated by the OR operator, |.

8. Distinguish between static and dynamic semantics.
- The static semantics of a language is only indirectly related to the meaning of programs during execution; rather, it has to do with the legal forms of programs (syntax rather than semantics). The dynamic semantics is the meaning, of the expressions, statements, and program units of a programming language. Because of the power and naturalness of the available notation, describing syntax is a relatively simple matter.

12. What is the primary use of attribute grammars?
- An attribute grammar is a formal way to define attributes for the productions of a formal grammar, associating these attributes to values. The evaluation occurs in the nodes of the abstract syntax tree, when the language is processed by some parser or compiler.

21. What is a predicate transformer function?
- They define the semantics of an imperative programming paradigm by assigning to each statement in this language a corresponding predicate transformer: a total function between two predicates on the state space of the statement

23. On what branch of mathematics is axiomatic semantics based?
- It is based on mathematical logic..

24. On what branch of mathematics is denotational semantics based?
- It is solidly based on recursive function theory. \

Problem  Set

1. Syntax error and semantic error are two types of compilation error. Explain the difference between the two in a program with examples.
- A syntax error is an error in the source code of a program. Since computer programs must follow strict syntax to compile correctly, any aspects of the code that do not conform to the syntax of the programming language will produce a syntax error. Semantic error is an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time.

5. Write a BNF description of the Boolean expressions of Java, including the two operators == and !=.
==        equal to
!=         not equal to
<          less than
>          greater than
<=        less than or equal to
>=        greater than or equal to
&&       boolean AND
||         boolean OR

8. Prove that the following grammar is ambiguous:

<S> -> <A>

<S> -> <A> * <A> | <id>

<id> -> x | y | z

- Since the grammar generated 2 different parse trees, it is ambiguous.

11. Consider the following grammar:
<S> → <A> a <B> b
<A> → <A> b | b
<B> → a <B> | a
Which of the following sentences are in the language generated by this grammar?
- B. bbaba

18. A fully attributed parse tree has all these features.

23. Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following assignment statements and postconditions :
a.       a = 2 * ( b – 1 ) – 1 {a > 0}
b.      b = ( c + 10 ) / 3 {b>6}
c.       a = a + 2 * b – 1 {a>1}
d.      x = 2 * y + x – 1 {x>11}

A.    2 * ( b – 1 ) – 1 > 0
2b – 2 – 1  > 0
2b – 3 > 0
2b > 3
B > 3/2

B.     ( c + 10 ) / 3 > 6
c + 10 > 18
c > 8

C.     a + 2 * b – 1 > 1
a + 2 * b > 2
2 * b > 2 – a

D.    2 * y + x – 1 > 11
2 * y + x > 12
2 * y > 12 – x

26. Explain the four criteria for proving the correctness of a logical pretest loop construct of the form while B do S end.
- The loop invariant must satisfy a number of requirements to be useful. Another complicating factor for while loops is the question of loop termination. A loop that does not terminate cannot be correct, and in fact computes nothing. The complete axiomatic description of a while construct requires all of the following to be true, in which I is the loop invariant:
P => I
{I and B} S {I}
(I and (not B)) => Q
the loop terminates