Chapter 5 Review
What are the design issues for names?
The following are the primary design issues for names:
Are names case sensitive?
Are the special words of the language reserved words or keywords?
issues are discussed in the following two subsections, which also include
of several design choices.
What is the potential danger of case-sensitive names?
In that sense, case sensitivity violates the design principle that language
constructs that look similar should have similar meanings. But in languages
whose variable names are case-sensitive, although Rose and rose look similar,
there is no connection between them.
In what way are reserved words better than keywords?
A reserved word is a special word of a programming language that cannot be used
as a name. As a language design choice, reserved words are better than keywords
because the ability to redefine keywords can be confusing.
What is an alias?
more than one variable name can be used to access the same memory location, the
variables are called aliases. Aliasing is a hindrance to readability because it
allows a variable to have its value changed by an assignment to a different
What is the l-value of a variable? What is the r-value?
The value of a variable is the contents of the memory cell or cells associated with
the variable. It is convenient to think of computer memory in terms of abstract
cells, rather than physical cells. A variable’s value is sometimes called its
r-value because it is what is required when the name of the variable appears in
the right side of an assignment statement.
Define binding and binding time.
A binding is an association between an attribute and an entity, such as etween
a variable and its type or value, or between an operation and a symbol. The
time at which a binding takes place is called binding time. Binding and binding
times are prominent concepts in the semantics of programming languages.
Problem Set
What is an l-value? Write a statement in C language which gives the compile
time error “l-valued required”.
An lvalue is a way of describing the term on the left hand side of an
assignment. It is usually an address or variable.
(0 = foo)
Why is the type declaration of a variable necessary? What is the value range of
the int type variable in Java?
A data type, such as int in C, is bound to a range of values at language implementation
time. At compile time, a variable in a Java program is bound to a particular
data type. A variable may be bound to a storage cell when the program is loaded
into memory. That same binding does not happen until run time in some cases, as
with variables declared in Java methods. A call to a library subprogram is
bound to the subprogram code at link time.
Describe a situation each where static and dynamic type binding is required.
In static binding, for example, in Fortran, an identifier that appears in a
program that is not explicitly declared is implicitly declared according to the
following convention: If the identifier begins with one of the letters I, J, K,
L, M, or N, or their lowercase versions, it is implicitly declared to be Integer
type; otherwise, it is implicitly declared to be Real type.